Annual Accounts
and Reports.
In-line with our commitment to good practice and transparency, please find here a selection of our reports which support the principles of openness and accountability.
Our Annual Report.
Please view our most recent annual report.
Impact Reports
Please view a selection of evaluation reports demonstrating the impact of our work
Looking Forward Evaluation (2022)
Please click below to download a copy of Fulfilling Lives’ evaluation report about Oasis’ Looking Forward Service for women who have had a child or children removed from their care. You can read a summary of the report here in a blog post here.
Back on Track Report (2021)
Please click below to explore the Padlet created to demonstrate the impact of the ‘Back on Track’ partnership project with Brighton & Hove City Council 2019 – 2021 to improve outcomes for children of Alcohol Dependent parents in Brighton & Hove.
Reducing Parental Conflict Evaluation (2021)
Please click below to download a copy of the evaluation report for Oasis Project’s ‘Reducing Parental Conflict’ project delivered in East Sussex between 2019-2021. The evaluation was undertaken by University of Sussex.
Sex Workers Outreach Project Social Value Programme Evaluation (2020)
Please click below to download a copy of ENVOY’s Social Value Evaluation of Oasis’ SWOP service, commissioned through a project funded by DCMS Tampon Tax fund completing in March 2020.
POCAR Evaluation (2015)
Please click below to download a copy of the report we commissioned by NEF to demonstrate the impact of our POCAR (Parenting Our Children, Addressing Risk) programme for parents whose children are open to Social Services as a result of their substance misuse.
Annual Accounts.
Inline with our commitment to good practice and transparency, which support the principles of openness and accountability, please find below links to our accounts.
Get in touch.
We’ve been doing this for over 20 years, so we really know what works. We see everyone as an individual, and make sure we can get them the right help at the right time.