HOPE Therapy Services

Free, confidential 1-1 therapy for young women 18-25 who have experience of early trauma or a difficult start in life and young people of all genders, 16-25 who are finding their use of drugs or alcohol is causing issues and want to explore this therapeutically

Young Women’s Therapy

The Young Women’s Therapy service delivers free, confidential, arts-based 1:1 therapy for young women (aged between 18 – 25) who have experienced violence, abuse, neglect or disadvantage in their early lives and whose experiences of trauma may be impacting on their lives and relationships and affecting their mental wellbeing.

The usual offer is 12 weeks’ individual (1:1) therapy in a face-to-face setting. Once therapy is completed, there is an offer of a 4-week structured follow up group.

Transitions Therapy

The Transitions Therapy Service offers free, confidential, arts-based 1:1 therapy to people of all genders aged 16-25 years’ old who are worried that their drug or alcohol use may be impacting on their mental wellbeing, and/or relationships with others. Therapy is an opportunity to explore these issues in some depth.

The usual offer is 12 weeks’ individual (1:1) therapy in a face-to-face setting. Once therapy is completed, there is an offer of a 4-week structured follow up group.

Who might benefit from the HOPE Therapy Service

Young people in need of time and space for themselves and tailored support in coming to terms with past events and making changes to improve current circumstances.

There is no ‘typical client’ but some clients have experienced issues around:

Managing feelings


Boundaries and Self-care

Attachment and family

Drugs and alcohol


Our Hope Therapy Service is for Brighton and Hove residents only

How do I access the HOPE Therapy Service?

First, you’ll complete an  online referral form (click the button at the bottom of this page). There is just one form for the Young Women’s Therapy and the Transitions therapy services, so don’t worry if you’re not sure which service is right for you just yet. Once you’ve completed the form, we will be in touch to arrange an assessment.

Assessments will usually take place in person here at our premises on Morley Street in central Brighton (we’ll send you a map). At the assessment, we will find out a little more about you and you can ask us any questions you may have.

After this, you will be invited to start therapy. Hope Therapy is completely free. You will usually be offered 12 sessions, with the option to attend a follow up four-week group on completion of therapy.

What is therapy like?

Our therapist asked former clients to describe their experience of the service here are some of their responses:

“You come here and get things off your chest. You learn that you’re not stupid or self-centered but that you really matter. It’s somewhere you can be truthful about everything.”

“There is a shift in your worries and emotions and this helps you manage and to get your self-esteem back.”

“It is a strong buffer for when I feel unable to cope.”

“I don’t believe I would have been able to complete this year of university without the help given.”

“It has helped me to overcome my fears, problems, anxiety issues and just fitting in with everyday life. It has had a very positive impact on my life.”

“It’s nice to know I have somewhere to go where I can talk and feel safe and supported.”

Get in touch
or make a referral.


There is one form for the above service – fill in your details and we will be in touch to arrange next steps.